What is the Bill of Quantity (BOQ)? | Bill of Material (BOM)

Bill of Quantity (BOQ) also known as Bill of Material (BOM).

Bill of quantity contains materials described with respect to their units and prices of a unit.

BOQ is prepared by quantity surveyors and cost consultants with the coordination of architectures and engineers.

Cost consultants get all the details such as labor cost, material price in the market, transportation cost, etc.

BOQ is a very important part of the tendering process. Tendering work can not be completed without a bill of quantities.

Contractors quote their prices in the form of BOQ. It is also used to make bills to receive payments.

BOQ is normally made in MS Excel. An employee should be very proficient in Excel to prepare bills of quantities.

Bill of quantities provides lots of data to run the project smoothly. BOQ can be used to take references for future projects.

Difference Between Bill of Materials (BOM) and Bill of Quantities (BOQ)

The BOM can be used in various situations where the finished product consists of ingredients and can be as simple as complex.

The BOQ is usually used on larger projects, especially in construction, and is often the place where the project is prepared.

A simple BOM is used for product manufacturing, while BOQ is used for project management, especially in construction.

Another difference is that BOQ (Bill of Quantities) is like a short excerpt of a specific item, where it is detailed in large specifications and quantities in general, while BOM (Bill of Materials) is a detailed list that is required for materials. with the amount of each material for a particular item.

Advantages of BOQ:

  1. BOQ contains all the items with complete descriptions.
  2. It includes all the data required for a contractor.
  3. It includes the price of an item.
  4. The unit of an item is also given in the BOQ.
  5. Bills are made with the help of BOQ.
  6. BOQ is an integral part of the tendering work. The tendering process utilizes data of BOQ.

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